Bandaging Applicaton Using Low-stretch Bandages – Lower Extremity

(For upper extremity see below)

NOTE: For a printable copy of these instructions, click here.

Step 1:
1. Clean leg (use Dove soap and warm water as recommended by world-renowned wound clinics).
2. Dry leg

Step 2:
1. Apply physician-recommended wound care products to ulcerated area if applicable.
2. Apply a moisturizing lotion to your legs (Eucerin) to prevent drying and flaking.

Step 3: Apply Stockinette
1. Cut Stockinette long enough that it extends beyond the knee and beyond the toes.
2. Stockinette should be about 4 inches beyond knee and foot.

Step 4: Apply cotton roll
1. Start at the base of the toes (metatarsal head).
2. Roll on cotton looking into the roll (like a snail).
3. Roll cotton around the foot and all the way up the leg overlapping ½ the width of the cotton roll each time.
4. If cotton does not end at the bend of knee, begin a new roll at the ankle.

Step 5: Apply foam roll
1. Start at the base of the toes and roll all the way up the leg overlapping ½ the width of the foam roll each time
2. Make sure to tug lightly as you rol.l
3. If foam does not end at the bend of knee, begin a new roll at the ankle.
4. Use tape provided to secure foam.

Step 6: Apply BANDAGE #1 (low-stretch brown bandage, starting with the smallest)
1. Begin at the ankle, flex foot toward head.
2. Roll on bandage looking into the roll (like a snail.)
3. Go around the ankle 2 times and do a figure 8 down to the base of the toes, tugging lightly.
4. Roll bandage around the base of the toes 2 times and begin back up to the ankle, overlap about ½ the width of the bandage.
5. When the bandage is done, place a piece of tape at the end to secure it.
6. Make sure the ball of the foot is covered.

Step 7: Apply BANDAGE #2 (low-stretch brown bandage, next larger size)
1. Fold the excess stocking up over the toes.
2. Start bandage at ankle again, starting in the opposite direction of the first bandage (for example, if you started to the right with bandage #1, you will start to the left with bandage #2).
3. Roll bandage around the ankle twice, and do a figure 8 again to the bottom of the toes (remember to lightly tug as you roll the bandage).
4. Wrap bandage around bottom of the toes twice and work back up to the ankle.
5. Wrap the rest of the bandage up the leg.
6. Secure the bandage with a piece of tape.

Step 8: Apply BANDAGE #3
1. Begin bandage at the ankle again (make sure to start the opposite direction of the last bandage) and wrap around the ankle twice to secure it (remember to tug lightly).
2. Begin wrapping bandage up the leg, overlapping the bandage about ½ the width of the bandage.
3. Secure the bandage with a piece of tape.

Step 9: Apply BANDAGE #4
1. Begin bandage at ankle (in opposite direction of the last one).
2. Roll on bandage going up the leg (remember to overlap the bandage ½ the width of the bandage).
3. End the bandage below the bend of your knee (make sure not to go into the bend because it could cause rubbing).
4. Secure the bandage with a piece of tape.

Step 10: Apply BANDAGE #5
1. Begin bandage at ankle (going opposite direction).
2. Roll bandage up the leg (spacing ½ the width of the bandage).
3. End bandage below bend in your knee.
4. Secure the bandage with a piece of tape.

Step 11:
Continue process starting at the ankle, working up the leg to the bend of the knee until the entire calf muscle is covered. This will ensure maximum reduction in swelling.


Bandaging Application Using Low-stretch Bandages – Upper Extremity

NOTE: For a printable copy of these instructions, click her.

Step 1:
1. Clean arm (use Dove soap and warm water as recommended by world-renowned wound clinics)
2. Dry arm

Step 2: Apply Stockinette
1. Cut Stockinette long enough for excess stocking to go over the shoulder and over the fingers.
2. Cut small hole near the bottom of stocking (approximately 6 cm up the stocking) for the thumb.

Step 3: Apply Cotton Roll
1. Start at the bottom of the fingers (knuckles).
2. Roll on cotton looking into the roll (like a snail).
3. Roll cotton around the palm of the hand (do not wrap thumb) and all the way up the arm.
4. Fold cotton roll over when wrapping around the palm to fit in palm space.

Step 4: Apply Foam Roll
1. Start at the bottom of fingers and roll all the way up the arm.
2. Start at wrist and roll all the way up the arm.
3. Make sure to tug lightly as you roll it on.
4. Use the clip provided to secure the roam roll.

Step 5: Apply BANDAGE #1 (smallest bandage)
1. Fold excess stocking over the fingers (over the knuckles).
2. Begin at the end of the fingers (knuckles).
3. Roll bandage on looking into the roll (like a snail).
4. Go around the palm 2 times to secure the bandage and begin working up the hand, tugging slightly as you go.
5. Roll bandage up to the wrist then back down toward the fingers until the bandage runs out.
6. When the bandage is done, place a piece of tape at the end to secure it.

Step 6: Apply BANDAGE #2 (middle size bandage)
1. Start bandage at the wrist.
2. Make sure to start the bandage in the opposite direction of the first (for example, if you started the first bandage to the right, you start the second on e to the left).
3. Go around the wrist 2 times, then begin rolling bandage up the arm (as you roll the bandage, make sure to space the bandage about a finger width apart, and remember to tug lightly as you roll).
4. When the bandage ends, secure it with a piece of tape.

Step 7: Apply BANDAGE #3 (first large bandage)
1. Begin bandage at wrist again (remember to start bandage in the opposite direction of the last one).
2. Wrap bandage around the wrist 2 times and begin rolling bandage up the arm ( tugging as you go).
3. When bandage ends, secure with a piece of tape.

Step 8: Apply BANDAGE #4 (second large bandage).
1. Begin bandage about 4 cm above the wrist (so you don’t keep ending in the same place, remember to start in the opposite direction of the last bandage).
2. Wrap bandage around 2 times and begin working up the arm (tugging as you go).
3. When bandage ends, secure it with a piece of tape.
4. Fold excess stocking down that was over the shoulder.

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