Compression Management Services is a supplier of the Bio-Compression Systems Sequential Circulator (known as a SCD). Gradient, sequential compression devices, provides a fluent massage that mimics manual lymphatic drainage (MLD). Appliances from Bio-Compression Systems incorporate a unique design consisting of up to 16 chambers that provide a gentle and effective therapy without gaps or backflow.
- Primary lymphedema
- Secondary Lymphedema
- Venous insufficiency
- Venous stasis ulcers
- Dysfunction of the muscle pump
- Lymphedema due to trauma
Sequential pneumatic compression therapy systems are not recommended in the presence of any of the following conditions:
- Known or suspected deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism
- During the inflammatory phlebitis process
- Acute infection of the affected limb
- Decompensated cardiac failure/congestive heart failure
- Severe arteriosclerosis or other ischemic vascular disease
- Any circumstance where increased venous and lymphatic return is undesirable
Due to the movement of fluids in the body when using this system, be careful with patients having heart disease.
The abdominal area should not be treated during pregnancy. If a garment that includes an abdominal section is to be used during pregnancy, the air cells over the abdomen must be disconnected prior to use.